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Teaching Photo
My Passion

Monday, May 27, 2013


In so many ways. About four months ago, when I first made the decision to take a six month trip to India, I knew that it was the right decision for me. God made that very clear. As the months go by, in all of my planning and preparations for my trip, God is working in mysterious and unexpected ways. Everywhere I turn, He gives me another gentle nudge telling me that this is exactly what I should be doing.

About a month ago I applied to the International Literacy Training Institute which is run by the Literacy & Evangelism International mission. After it being made clear to me that this could be extremely useful information for my upcoming mission work in India, I thought why not? A couple of weeks later, I found out I was accepted into the program. Just another way that God is getting everything together for me. The training includes ESL (English as a Second Language) pieces, teaching literacy training and more. I am one of eighteen students from around the world who will be coming to Tulsa, OK (LEI's home base) for this incredible program. I am so excited for this because I know not only will it assist me in planning for and teaching at Carmel, but it will also provide opportunities for me when I return home after six months. Teaching is something that has always been on my heart, ever since about the fifth grade. And mission work? I most definitely have a passion for that!

I sit here, four days before my second and largest fundraiser and have three quarters of my fundraising goal met. Churches that support Carmel, friends who support me or friends (like family) who are near and dear to my heart...all of them supporting the exciting journey I'm preparing to embark on. I never thought I would have such love and support behind me as I begin this once in a lifetime adventure. It absolutely floors me to see how much love God has for me. I hope and pray that I can show the kids of Carmel even just an ounce of that love.

Yes, when I started to share my plans with people there were those who looked at me like I had three heads when I told them I'd be staying at a hostel in India, teaching English (unpaid) for six months. But, looking back on it, I know they were opportunities for me to share the wonderful work that God is doing in my life. This is an opportunity that I will never have again to do something I've dreamed about for four years. It's now time for the fire that Carmel lit inside of me five years ago to burn stronger and brighter for everyone to see.

So many amazing things are coming together; it's like they are all pieces of the puzzle that God has for my life. Coincidence? Most definitely not. God's plan? YUP. I am so eager for what lies ahead of me!