Matthew 17:20 says, "'You don't have enough faith,' Jesus told them. 'I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.'"
This week I have seen the faith of some of these children and, let me tell you, their faith is a lot bigger than a mustard seed. It has made my heart swell with pride to see their faith on display. God is most definitely at work here at Carmel and it is an absolutely incredible thing to see.
Before every meal (tiffin/snack included), both the boys and the girls pray a group prayer. They also say a prayer after arriving home from school and finishing study time. I think one of the things I find most amazing is that many of the older children read the Bible and say a prayer before they begin studying. It amazes me because the mealtime and after-school/study time prayers are mandatory (they are ingrained into their brains and they say the same prayer every day), but their pre-study prayers and Bible-readings are completely done out of their own desire. You have no idea how encouraging it is to see Madesh, Gomathi, Joyce, Albert and Sasi (those are just a few) reading the Bible purely for their own interest.
This past Sunday, I gave a really nice message (if I do say so myself) on James 1:22-25. It was surprising when it took quite a while for anyone to find it because they weren't familiar with this book. So, I encouraged them all to read it this week in their spare time. Well, Monday night, Albert (who is 16 years old) asked me quite innocently, "Aunty, do you understand James 3?" I was so proud that he was actually reading and making an effort to understand the book that I had encouraged him to. It touched my heart that he wanted to make sure he understood clearly the chapters that I had advised. It is not often that you come across a sixteen-year-old boy who reads the Bible prior to studying every single evening! It's hard enough to get teenage boys (and girls for that matter) to church every Sunday, but here are Albert, Madesh, Sasi, Gabriel, Joyce, Gomathi, Renuga and Gayathri going to devotion in chapel every morning at 6:30am, studying for an average of 5 hours each day, and praying and reading the bible of their own accord. It only strengthens my own faith to see these children's faith on such glorious display.
Another really special moment that I got to witness this week was at school on Saturday. Right now, the students are in the middle of writing their half-yearly exams (similar to mid-terms). On Saturday, I supervised sections IV-B, IV-C, V-B and V-C in Memorial Hall with three other teachers. I am walking down the long lines of children as I supervise them beginning to write their tests (we had just handed out the papers and question papers). When I walk past Lokesh (who is in V-C section and lives at the hostel), I see him in the middle of a prayer. Here he is, preparing to write his test, and what is the first thing he does? Pray. My heart overflowed with pride and joy for this young boy who I've become so close to over the past three months.
I see these young children and the amount of faith they have and it really makes me wonder about those people around the world who have no faith...not even faith the size of a mustard seed (which is pretty miniscule). Some of these people have everything they could dream of, but they have absolutely no faith. Yet, here are these children ages 9-18, who have very little in the way of material things and are lucky enough to own a Bible in their mother tongue. But, they are praying, praising God and reading the Bible every day, simply because they want to.
Lokesh, who is just in 5th grade, has no parents. When summer holidays come, he chooses to stay at the hostel when all of the other children go home to spend time with their families. He has every excuse to be unhappy and ungrateful, but he has enough faith to move a mountain and most always has a smile and positive outlook on life. Lokesh's faith inspires me every day. He brightens my day whenever I am feeling down. I am so thankful for this sweet sweet boy with a smile that could light up this world.
These two experiences just give you a glimpse of how amazing these kids are and maybe you can begin to see the reason behind my love for these kids and this incredible place. Not many people get to see God at work in their lifetimes or get to live their dream and follow the Lord's plan for them, but here I am experiencing BOTH. I am so grateful to God for providing me with this opportunity and I am cherishing every single moment.
As Christmas draws closer, yes, I do miss my family like crazy and part of me does wish that I was home to celebrate with them, but I must see what God has given me this year. He's given me the chance to be here, to celebrate Christmas with my Carmel family. I know many people around the world don't have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas this year with any family. So, I am extremely thankful to be here, able to celebrate with people who inspire me most. The climate may be different, the songs may be in another language, the ways of celebrating may not be what I am used to, but Christmas is still a wonderful time to be spent with family and friends, praising the Lord for the miracle that He gave us through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. I am here, able to enjoy this holiday with some of my best friends and a community that has quickly become my second family. How lucky I am to be surrounded by people I love during this most special time of year! <3
This week I have seen the faith of some of these children and, let me tell you, their faith is a lot bigger than a mustard seed. It has made my heart swell with pride to see their faith on display. God is most definitely at work here at Carmel and it is an absolutely incredible thing to see.
Before every meal (tiffin/snack included), both the boys and the girls pray a group prayer. They also say a prayer after arriving home from school and finishing study time. I think one of the things I find most amazing is that many of the older children read the Bible and say a prayer before they begin studying. It amazes me because the mealtime and after-school/study time prayers are mandatory (they are ingrained into their brains and they say the same prayer every day), but their pre-study prayers and Bible-readings are completely done out of their own desire. You have no idea how encouraging it is to see Madesh, Gomathi, Joyce, Albert and Sasi (those are just a few) reading the Bible purely for their own interest.
This past Sunday, I gave a really nice message (if I do say so myself) on James 1:22-25. It was surprising when it took quite a while for anyone to find it because they weren't familiar with this book. So, I encouraged them all to read it this week in their spare time. Well, Monday night, Albert (who is 16 years old) asked me quite innocently, "Aunty, do you understand James 3?" I was so proud that he was actually reading and making an effort to understand the book that I had encouraged him to. It touched my heart that he wanted to make sure he understood clearly the chapters that I had advised. It is not often that you come across a sixteen-year-old boy who reads the Bible prior to studying every single evening! It's hard enough to get teenage boys (and girls for that matter) to church every Sunday, but here are Albert, Madesh, Sasi, Gabriel, Joyce, Gomathi, Renuga and Gayathri going to devotion in chapel every morning at 6:30am, studying for an average of 5 hours each day, and praying and reading the bible of their own accord. It only strengthens my own faith to see these children's faith on such glorious display.
Another really special moment that I got to witness this week was at school on Saturday. Right now, the students are in the middle of writing their half-yearly exams (similar to mid-terms). On Saturday, I supervised sections IV-B, IV-C, V-B and V-C in Memorial Hall with three other teachers. I am walking down the long lines of children as I supervise them beginning to write their tests (we had just handed out the papers and question papers). When I walk past Lokesh (who is in V-C section and lives at the hostel), I see him in the middle of a prayer. Here he is, preparing to write his test, and what is the first thing he does? Pray. My heart overflowed with pride and joy for this young boy who I've become so close to over the past three months.
I see these young children and the amount of faith they have and it really makes me wonder about those people around the world who have no faith...not even faith the size of a mustard seed (which is pretty miniscule). Some of these people have everything they could dream of, but they have absolutely no faith. Yet, here are these children ages 9-18, who have very little in the way of material things and are lucky enough to own a Bible in their mother tongue. But, they are praying, praising God and reading the Bible every day, simply because they want to.
Lokesh, who is just in 5th grade, has no parents. When summer holidays come, he chooses to stay at the hostel when all of the other children go home to spend time with their families. He has every excuse to be unhappy and ungrateful, but he has enough faith to move a mountain and most always has a smile and positive outlook on life. Lokesh's faith inspires me every day. He brightens my day whenever I am feeling down. I am so thankful for this sweet sweet boy with a smile that could light up this world.
These two experiences just give you a glimpse of how amazing these kids are and maybe you can begin to see the reason behind my love for these kids and this incredible place. Not many people get to see God at work in their lifetimes or get to live their dream and follow the Lord's plan for them, but here I am experiencing BOTH. I am so grateful to God for providing me with this opportunity and I am cherishing every single moment.
As Christmas draws closer, yes, I do miss my family like crazy and part of me does wish that I was home to celebrate with them, but I must see what God has given me this year. He's given me the chance to be here, to celebrate Christmas with my Carmel family. I know many people around the world don't have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas this year with any family. So, I am extremely thankful to be here, able to celebrate with people who inspire me most. The climate may be different, the songs may be in another language, the ways of celebrating may not be what I am used to, but Christmas is still a wonderful time to be spent with family and friends, praising the Lord for the miracle that He gave us through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. I am here, able to enjoy this holiday with some of my best friends and a community that has quickly become my second family. How lucky I am to be surrounded by people I love during this most special time of year! <3
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