Teaching Photo

Teaching Photo
My Passion

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Powerful and Meaningful Slideshow

With my two-week trip approaching even faster (July 18th - 59 days!), my anticipation is overwhelming at times. I am beyond eager to go to India and be reunited with my second family. But I also am SO eager for January when I can throw my WHOLE self into my mission work and fully follow God's plan for my life. With all of that anticipation welling up inside me, I put together this slideshow on Vimeo...it sums up many of my favorite photos, a lot of what my 6 months meant to me and my future in India. It also combines many of my favorite songs into an amazing mash-up made by Anthem Lights for K-Love. I hope you all enjoy this slideshow as much as I do. Just click the link and it will take you straight to it.

I hope that I can inspire others to follow their calling from our loving Lord and Savior. :)
